
Our advocacy sets us apart from the rest and makes us unlike other firms.

While we’re apt at assessing civil litigation and employment matters often assisting clients with these types of files, our focus has remained human rights. Despite few others focusing their practices in this area of law.

Since we believe every client matter should be approached like our own. Particularly when our clients’ rights have been violated. Clients have since come to rely on our adept advocacy to achieve their desired results.




Our strength is advocacy. With a dedicated team of associate lawyers, we focus on human rights, public law, and regulatory matters. Our firm is frequently consulted to provide advice on internal corporate matters, investigations, complying with regulations, understanding their human rights obligations and regularly work with other firms on complex litigation.

Christopher Karas, our Principal, has experienced violations first hand.

As a litigant he notably challenged his French Catholic school board and his school at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario when the school board barred him from putting up posters of his civil rights hero Harvey Milk and a Gender and Sexuality Alliance that he and his peers tried to build. As a result the school now has a GSA and the board has since changed its name.

In 2016, he filed a federal complaint challenging the MSM, men who have sex with other men, blood deferral policy at the Canadian Human Rights Commission to change Canada's blood donation policy. He challenged the policy when he was barred from donating lifesaving blood. He filed complaints against both Canadian Blood Services and Health Canada.

An agreement was reached between Canadian Blood Services and Christopher Karas, to settle the federal complaint against CBS before the Tribunal. Despite the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal dismissing the federal complaint against Health Canada on December 10, 2024. After a Federal Court Judge determined in AGC v. Karas an inquiry into Health Canada’s role in barring gay men from donating blood in Canada was warranted.

Health Canada has approved multiple iterations of CBS’ policy, since Karas filed his complaint, in 2016, including a reduction of the donation deferral period from 1 year to 3 months, and since adopted a new ‘sexual behaviour’ policy, asking all prospective donors the same questions, excluding donors who engaged in sexual activity with a new or multiple sexual partners and who, more particularly, engaged in anal sex. Deferring such donors for a period of three months, as it previously did under its previous donation policy.

While the federal complaint against Health Canada before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal was dismissed and did not result in significant public policy changes, as it continues to maintain discriminatory policies preventing donors from donating, CBS has since established a 2SLGBTQIA+ Advisory Committee and issued a historic apology after Karas filed his complaint admitting that their former policy contributed to discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and HIV stigma within Canadian society, for many years.




Christopher Karas


Principal at Karas Legal Services P.C., Christopher Karas, is a litigant in some high profile cases, a licensed Paralegal of the Law Society of Upper Canada and mediator. He mainly focuses on provincial and federal Human Rights matters.

Karas is a frequent keynote speaker and panelist. He has spoken at the Ontario Human Rights Commission, the Law Society of Upper Canada, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association, the University of Toronto, University of Ottawa, Ryerson University and York University in numerous areas including Health Canada blood and organ regulations, Canadian Blood Services' policies, Ontario Accepting Schools Act, protections under the Charter, Canadian Human Rights Act and Ontario Human Rights Code, and substantive Human Rights.  

He was the litigant in the case of Christopher Karas v. École secondaire catholique Sainte-Famille. He challenged his then French Catholic school board, CSDCCS, Conseil Scolaire de District Catholique Centre-Sud and his school École secondaire catholique Sainte-Famille at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario when the school board barred him from putting up posters of his civil rights hero Harvey Milk and a Gender and Sexuality Alliance that Karas and his peers tried to build throughout high school. As a result, the school now has a GSA and the school board has since changed its name. The board is now known as Conseil Scholaire Catholique MonAvenir.

He is also the present litigant in the federal case of Christopher Karas v. Canadian Blood Services and Health Canada. He is challenging the MSM, men who have sex with other men, blood donation deferral policy at the Canadian Human Rights Commission to change Canada's blood donation policy. He challenged the policy when he was barred from donating lifesaving blood at a local blood donation clinic. The federal legal challenge was accepted September 3rd 2016 and could result in significant public policy. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed to end the policy in 2015.

He is fluent in English and French, and represents clients in both languages.



B.A., Bilingual, Hons., Political Science 2021 – Present

Diploma, Paralegal Education, 2017

Hon. Certificate, Leadership, 2014


Activities & Affiliations

• Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada

• Member of the Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Ontario (AJEFO)

• Member of the Anti-69 Network — Against the Mythologies of the 1969 Criminal Code Reform

• Past President of Action Positive VIH/sida

Awards & Honours

• Recipient of Youth Role Model of the Year Award 2018

• Named one of Tegan and Sara’s Legion of Queer Heroes

• Named one of 25 most influential Franco-Ontarians


• Ontario




Ajay Khasa


Ajay Khasa is an associate at Karas Legal Services P.C., where his practice focuses on civil and regulatory litigation, as well as assisting individuals who were exploited or potentially the victim of fraud. Ajay has more than four years of legal experience in civil, commercial, finance, leasing, and lending.

Prior to joining Karas, Ajay received his law degree from the University of Delhi in India. He obtained an LL.B. from the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. While at law school, Ajay was acting as a Paralegal under the Delhi State Legal Services, where he assisted low income clients. He is licensed Paralegal of the Law Society of Upper Canada. He is presently pursuing accreditation through The National Committee on Accreditation (NCA), Federation of Law Societies of Canada to practice law in Canada.

Ajay assists individuals before provincial and federal human rights bodies. He also represents individuals in employment, administrative, and other matters. And he consuls professionals, individuals and closely-held companies on a wide range of civil litigation files, including general commercial litigation, and regulatory matters. In addition to his civil practice, Ajay also takes on select criminal and quasi-criminal matters.

He is fluent in English, Hindi, and Punjabi, and assists clients in all these languages.



Diploma, Paralegal, 2022

LL.B., Falculty of Law, 2019


Activities & Affiliations

• Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada


• Ontario



Zainab Adewusi


Zainab Adewusi is counsel at Karas Legal Services P.C. She specializes in corporate risk and compliance, administrative law, and human rights. Her practice comprises a wide range of regulatory, civil and commercial matters, with a focus on complex fraud issues, money laundering and internal investigations. 

Prior to joining Karas, Zainab received her law degree from the University of Hull and the University of York in the United Kingdom. She holds an LL.B. from the Faculty of Law, University of Hull and an LLM in International Corporate and Commercial Law from the University of York. Called to the bar in 2024, Zainab completed her experiential training at a Toronto-based full-service firm with a focus on International Trade Law. She is a member of the Black Female Lawyers Network (BFLN), the Internationally Trained Lawyers Network (ITLS), and Women in eDiscovery.

She counsels professionals, individuals and closely-held companies on a wide range of civil litigation files, including general commercial litigation, and regulatory matters. In addition to her civil practice, Zainab also takes on select immigration matters.



L.L.M., International Corporate and Commercial Law, 2016

LL.B., Faculty of Law, 2014

Activities & Affiliations

• Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada

• Member of the Black Female Lawyers Network (BFLN)

• Member of the Internationally Trained Lawyers Network (ITLS)

• Member of the Women in eDiscovery


• Ontario



Manik Sudan


Manik Sudan is an associate at Karas Legal Services P.C., where her practice focuses on human rights and administrative law, as well as civil and regulatory litigation, often assisting vulnerable individuals.

Prior to joining Karas, Manik received her law degree from the University of Jammu in India. She obtained an LL.B. from the Faculty of Law, University of Jammu. She has also since completed the Paralegal program from Centennial College and Alternative Dispute Resolution program from Humber College. While pursuing her studies in Canada she interned at the Office of the Commissioner of Housing Equity and has assisted multiple lawyers from various fields in their practice. She completed her articles focused on criminal law in Toronto and was called to the bar in 2024.

Manik assists individuals before provincial and federal human rights bodies. She also represents individuals in employment, administrative, and other matters. She counsels professionals, individuals and closely-held companies on a wide range of civil litigation files, including general commercial litigation, and regulatory matters. In addition to her civil practice, Manik also takes on select immigration matters.

She is fluent in English, Hindi, Urdu, and Punjabi, and assists clients in all these languages.



Certificate, Dispute Resolution, 2019


Diploma, Paralegal, 2018

LL.B., Falculty of Law, 2017

Activities & Affiliations

• Member of the Law Society of Upper Canada


• Ontario

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Canadian Blood Services apologizes to LGBTQ2S+ community for discriminatory blood donation policy

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Health Canada to change sperm donor screening rules for men who have sex with men

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Health Canada 'exploring' policy change as ministers say sperm donor screening should be 'non-discriminatory'

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FDA moves to ease rules for blood donations from gay men

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Canada to lift restrictions on gay men donating blood

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Feds lose attempt to block human rights inquiry into blood ban

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Health Canada 'required' 2-year wait between blood ban policy changes: documents

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Conservative MP Eric Duncan pushes health minister to finally end the gay blood ban

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Gay men, trans women banned from donating plasma for COVID-19 trials

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NDP renews push to get Trudeau government to end 'homophobic' blood donor policy

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Health Canada reduces waiting period for blood donation for men who have sex with men

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Changing blood donation policy for gay men

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